Serving Phoenix and Arizona since 1906


March 2002 Meeting Notice


With tax season here, we’re all looking back over the past year …
but what about the future? Only two things are certain — death and
(more) taxes.

Brother and attorney Bill Gibney will address the Phoenix Alumni
Chapter of Sigma Chi this month on managing your money and asset
protection so that your family benefits when you’re gone.

The meeting will be held Wednesday, March 13 at Phoenix City Grill,
16th Street and Bethany Home Road. Drinks at 6 p.m. followed by
dinner at 6:30 and speaker at 7 p.m.


Derby Days are here!

If you or your business would like to help the ASU Chapter raise
money for Children’s Miracle Network during there Derby Days April 26
and 27 by purchasing an ad contact Nick Glassner at 602-320-7272 or
Reade McClintok at 480-206-8114 for further information. Last year
the House donated over $3,000.00 and Nick is really working hard to
exceed that by a SIGnificant margin this year. Prices are as follows:
Booklet Full page – $250
Half Page – $175
Quarter Page – $100
Business Card – $50
T-shirt $200
Banner $150

All Three (including full page in the booklet – $400

February 2002 Meeting Notice

Date: February 13th
Time: 6:00 Cocktails, 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Speaker(?)
Place: Phoenix City Grill, southwest corner of 16th Street and Bethany Home

Brothers excuse the lateness of the announcement but our Speaker
Chairman (Bud Wilkinson) has been scrambling to try and find a
replacement speaker this month since they canceled on us at the last
minute. A big “well done” is due Bud from all of us regardless due
to the dedication that he puts into lining up such great speakers and events.

For those that did not make it do the Hockey Night (another event put
together by Bud) you missed a good time. We had 46 brothers and
others in attendance and many old friendships were renewed.


ASU Active Chapter News:
Plans are fully in motion to complete the purchase of the property
from the University by the end of the current semester and then to
renovate the facility over the summer. If any brothers have
recommendations (or warnings against) for various trades that we will
need such as roofing, electrician, etc… please give either myself
or Dan Clements their name and number

Upcoming Hockey Night

Upcoming chapter outing to a Phoenix Coyotes hockey game. Brother
(and team president) Shawn Hunter has given us a “suite” deal. We
have 60 tickets to the Phoenix-Chicago game on the night of
Wednesday, Feb. 6. We’re selling the $100 face value tickets for $50,
refreshments included. So far, more than 20 have been spoken for.

To reserve your hockey tickets, e-mail or call Brother Bud Wilkinson: or 602-493-1886.

January 2002 Meeting Notice


The Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity will have the rare
opportunity of actually helping to program a local TV station.

Brother Ron Bergamo will soon oversee KUSK-TV (Channel 7/cable
Channel 13)and he wants us to serve as a focus group and inform him
of our programming preferences.

Bergamo, who formerly ran Fox 10 in Phoenix, will speak to the
chapter at our monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 9 at Phoenix City
Grill, 16th Street and Bethany Home Road.

Drinks will be a 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 and our speaker at
7. Bring a pen as Ron plans to ask us to fill out a questionnaire as
well as offer suggestions.

—– Upcoming Alumni Event —–

Don’t forget the upcoming chapter outing to a Phoenix Coyotes hockey
game. Brother (and team president) Shawn Hunter has given us a
“suite” deal. We have 60 tickets to the Phoenix-Chicago game on the
night of Wednesday, Feb. 6. We’re selling the $100 face value tickets
for $50, refreshments included. So far, more than 20 have been spoken for.

To reserve your hockey tickets, e-mail or call Brother Bud Wilkinson: or 602-493-1886.

—– Interview Help Needed at the ASU Chapter —–

This coming weekend will be the Initiation of this past fall
semesters Pledge class. In case you had not heard we will be
initiating about 40 new brothers!! I need your help in conducting
Alumni Interviews on Saturday morning at the ASU Chapter House. I am
looking for at least 10 brothers to volunteer so that the interview
process can get done in an expeditious fashion. If you would like to
help please call Dave Riddle @ 480-610-8234. For those that have not
done interviews in the past this is a really enjoyable time and you
get to really see the caliber of the new Brothers. Additionally if
you would like to attend Initiation please let me know also so that I
can get you time and location information.

December Meeting Notice


The Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi helps put you in the holiday
mood this month with a speaker who is more than an ornament.

Judy Aguiar owns the European Christmas Market in Scottsdale, and
she’ll tell us how Christmas is celebrated around the world and show
off some of the incredible decorations that she imports.

Because of the festive subject matter, spouses are invited to attend
the December meeting as well. The date is Wednesday, Dec. 12 at
Phoenix City Grill, 16th Street and Bethany Home Road in Phoenix.

Effective with this week’s meeting, the dinner menu will be greatly
expanded, too. Drinks begin at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 and
the speaker at 7.


Also, don’t forget to reserve your tickets when the Phoenix Coyotes
host the Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi on Wednesday, Feb 6.
It’s the Coyotes versus the Chicago Blackhawks, and the Coyotes have
reserved us a suite.

To reserve tickets, contact Bud Wilkinson at 602-493-1886 or



Circle the date of Feb. 6, 2002 on your calendars, because the
Phoenix Coyotes have reserved a suite(s) for the Phoenix Alumni
Chapter of Sigma Chi when the Coyotes host the Chicago Blackhawks.

We have as many as 60 tickets available to us — thanks to brother
and Coyotes’ president Shawn Hunter.

As was the case two years ago, a portion of the proceeds will go to
charity, with the remainder used to cover beverages and eats on game night.

The ticket price has yet to be determined, but you may reserve your
seats now by calling or e-mailing Bud Wilkinson: 602-493-1886 or

WHAT: Phoenix Coyotes vs. Chicago Blackhawks

WHEN: Wednesday, Feb 6, 2002


Channel 8 Fund Drive

Once again, KAET-TV (Channel 8) needs our help during its annual
December pledge drive. We need Sigma Chi alums (and actives) to man
the phone banks at Channel 8 in Tempe on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 8.

We need a dozen brothers to help between 2 and 7 p.m.
Brother Bud Wilkinson will be the on-air host from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

Last year, we had a half-dozen volunteers and more are needed this
year. It’s for a good cause — and it generates good will for Sigma Chi.

And, yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch!

Contact Bud Wilkinson and volunteer asap at:
602-493-1887 or

November 2001 Meeting Notice

Date: 11/14/2001
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Eddie Matney’s “The Club”

November will see the Phoenix Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter again holding
it’s Fall Ritual Meeting. For those that have not attended a Ritual
Meeting in some time we have found that it is a very enjoyable
experience and now hold them twice instead of just once as we used to
do in years past.

If you need assistance don’t be shy come on down and enjoy the evening with us.

Due to the nature of the meeting we will be gathering at “The Club”
above Eddie Matney’s (24th and Camelback). Park in the lot, enter
the Restaurant and they will put you on the elevator to The Club.

Additionally due to the venue change for the month the cost of dinner
will be $40.00 (the meal actually cost more, the Chapter subsidizes
the balance).

ASU News:

If you are going to be around ASU this weekend for the game or
otherwise be sure to stop be the House as they Brothers will be
hosting an event for Alumni. Grads from schools other than ASU are
also invited to visit.

October 2001 Meeting Notice


News reports frequently tell of drive-by shootings and gang-related
crimes in Arizona. How wide-spread is the problem and what’s being
done to combat gangs?

David Gonzalez, a commander in the criminal investigation division of
the Department of Public Safety, will address the situation Wednesday
night at the October meeting of the Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi.

A University of Arizona graduate, Gonzalez has spent 25 years with
DPS, concentrating on narcotics, organized crime and gang
investigations. He is currently awaiting confirmation from the U.S.
Senate to be U.S. Marshal for Arizona.

The monthly Sigma Chi meeting will be held at Phoenix City Grill,
16th Street and Bethany Home Road, with cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner
at 6:30 and speaker at 7.

ASU Update:
Plans are moving forward on the final purchase of the House if you
would like information on this please contact Dave Riddle at 480-610-8234

Fall Rush was an incredible success! The house took 58
pledges! While this is an incredible number there were actually more
guys they wanted to pledge, but they had establish a cut-off point.

Remember that the November Meeting is slated to be a formal Ritual
Chapter Meeting.

September 2001 Meeting Notice


Longtime Valley restaurant owner Mike Pulos, who currently has The
Spaghetti Company in Chandler, addresses the ever-changing state of
local dining when he speaks to the Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma
Chi on Wednesday, Sept. 12.

These are tough times for Valley restaurant owners. Competition has
never been tougher, and customers have never been so discerning.
Pulos tells us just how touch it is.

TIME: 6 p.m. for drinks, 6:30 dinner and 7 p.m. speaker
DATE: Wednesday, Sept. 12
PLACE: Phoenix City Grill, 16th Street and Bethany Home Road (SW corner)


ASU Update!

School is back in Session and the House is Rockin’ Rush is currently
underway and the we are being inundated with the largest group for
rush in years. The House is looking good (but could always be
better!). The entire pledge class that went through initiation last
month has moved into the lower hall and it is amazing what they have
done with their rooms. It looks like they had interior decorators
helping them. The rooms are all color coordinated with many of them
have laid nice expensive slate like vinyl tile down that echos the
color schemes on their walls (and ceilings!).

If you are around ASU make sure to stop by an take a walk through the
house to say hello to the guys.

I will also be bringing the visiting LC (AES for those that do not
know the new term) to the dinner on Wednesday.