Serving Phoenix and Arizona since 1906


March 2000 Meeting Notice

Date: March 14, 2000
Place: Beefeaters (new location)
Time: 11:30am

Speaker: Keven Ann Willey

Keven Ann Willey, editor of the editorial pages at The Arizona Republic,
will speak Tuesday, March 14, at the monthly luncheon meeting of the Sigma
Chi Alumni Chapter.
The luncheon will be held at a new location — Beefeater’s Restaurant,
300 W. Camelback — and at an earlier time: 11:30 a.m. The 90-minute luncheon
will allow for a more leisurely lunch — and more time for the monthly

February 2000 Meeting notice

Contact Information:
R. Quinn De Angelis
(602) 262-5869
One Renaissance Square
Two North Central Avenue, Suite 1600
Phoenix, Arizona 85004-2393

Scheduled Event
Starting with the February luncheon we will no longer be meeting at the
Downtown Arizona Club. The new location will be at the conference room of
the law firm of Jennings, Strouss & Salmon (Quinn De Angelis’s firm).
Please RSVP to Quinn at the above number by February 1 so that we know how
many lunches to order. The address for the new location is:
One Renaissance Square
Two North Central Avenue, Suite 1600
Phoenix, Arizona 85004-2393

I will be posting a map on the website in the next day or so for detailed
directions and parking information. So be sure to check for this and other information on
upcoming events.

January 2000 Meeting Notice

Get Your Coyotes Tickets From Bud at January Luncheon!

The monthly luncheon of the Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter will be held at noon
Tuesday (January 11) at the Arizona Club atop the Bank One building in
downtown Phoenix.

Guest speaker will be state Sen. Harry Mitchell, former mayor of Tempe.

Brothers will also be able to get their suite tickets to the Sunday, Feb.
20 hockey game between the Phoenix Coyotes and Atlanta Thrashers at this
Coyotes president (and Kansas Sig) Shawn Hunter is providing us a suite
and 40 complimentary tickets.

So far, half of those tickets are spoken for. By vote of the alumni
chapter board, we are asking for a $25 per ticket donation so that the
suite may be stocked with refreshments. A food and rink order must be
placed several days in advance of the game.

Feel free to call 602-493-1886 or e-mail me in advance of Tuesday’s
meeting if you’d like to reserve tickets to the NHL game at the
"Coolest Place in the Desert" – America West Arena.

Also, with new ownership taking over the Arizona Club, the Sigma Chi
Alumni Chapter needs a new home. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
New ownership has done away with the buffet, so the board has ordered a
"deli" lunch for Tuesday. The price is nearly $15 (excluding
tax and tip), an increase of $3, so we’re asking, if possible, if
brothers could chip in an extra $5 this Tuesday. If not, the difference
will come from the treasury. Please help if you can. Thanks.

Coming up in February: Ritual Meeting. There will be no speaker on
Tuesday, Feb. 8. As per bylaws, the monthly luncheon will be devoted to
Sigma Chi ritual — a great opportunity to remind all of us what Sigma
Chi is all about and to strengthen the bonds.

Coming up in March: Keven Willey, editor of the editorial pages of The
Arizona Republic will be guest speaker March 14.

Dave R.

October 1999 Meeting Notice

Date: Oct. 12
Time: Noon
Place: Arizona Club Downtown
37th Floor of the BankOne Tower
Parking: BankOne Garage (validated at lunch)

“Arizona Highway” magazine is known worldwide for its photography and
for capturing the Old West spirit and the scenic beauty of Arizona. Bob
Early, editor of “Arizona Highways” and former managing editor of “The
Arizona Republic,” will talk about the magazine’s history and how it’s
changing to keep pace with readers’ tastes

Upcoming Speakers!
Nov. 9 — Shawn Hunter, president of the Phoenix Coyotes.
Dec. 14 — Father Carl Carlozzi, Phoenix Fire Department chaplain and
rector of All Saints Episcolpal Church in Phoenix.
March 14, 2000 — Keven Willey, editorial page editor of The Arizona
If you have suggestions for speakers, contact Bud Wilkinson (Gamma ’75)
at 602-493-1886 or

September 1999 Meeting Notice

Date: September 14, 1999
Time: Noon
Place: Arizona Club Downtown
37th Floor of the BankOne Building

Grady Gammage, Jr.

Arizona native and Phoenix attorney Grady Gammage, Jr. will tackle the
sticky subject of growth versus preservation when he addresses the Sigma Chi
Alumni Chapter at noon Sept. 14 at the Arizona Club.
A graduate of Stanford Law School, Gammage founded the Phoenix firm of
Gammage & Burnham in 1983. He is also an adjunct professor at Arizona State
University where he teaches classes on land use regulation and on historic
preservation planning.

July 1999 Meeting Notice

Date: July 13, 1999
Time: Noon
Place: Arizona Club Downtown
37th Floor of the BankOne Tower

Parking: Free in the BankOne Garage

Scheduled Speaker:
Marshall Christy

Marshall, will be reporting on the just concluded Grand Chapter meeting
here in town last week.

Come down and express your congrats to our most recent Significant Sig –
Steve McNamee!

Bill will also be outlining new events and plans he has for his
administration of the Alumni Chapter.

Come down and enjoy the view, a good lunch and catch up with some brothers
you have not seen recently.

June 1999 Meeting Notice

Place: Arizona Club Downtown
37th floor of the BankOne Tower
Time: Noon
Parking: Validated for the BankOne Parking Garage

Polly Rosenbaum
Former State Legislator

Ms. Rosenbaum was one of the longest serving members in the Arizona
legislature. Additionally, whe has been active in many community and state
matters, including the gathering and preserving of Arizona’s history. She
is an Arizona living legend.

Sorry about the late notice – just got the speaker info today. Leo is in
the hospital so be sure to put him in your thoughts

In Hoc.

Dave R.

May 1999 Meeting Notice

Date: May 11, 1999
Time: Noon
Place: Arizona Club Downtown
37th Floor of the BankOne Building

Parking: The Arizona Club validates parking from the BankOne Garage.

Steve Wilson

Mr. Wilson has been a newspaper editor for nearly 30 years and for the past
six years has been writing a page two column for the Arizona Republic.
Before joining the Republic he was Editor of the Scottsdale Progress and
has worked at papers in Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan and Minnesota.
In 1969 he was a Peace Corps teacher in Micronesia.

April 1999 Meeting Notice

Date: April 13, 1999
Time: Noon
Place: Arizona Club – Downtown
37th Floor of the BankOne Tower

Parking: BankOne Garage (validated at lunch)

Speaker for April
Amy Bender
Sportscaster – Arizona Diamondbacks
Host of Diamondbacks Magazine Show on Channel 3 4:30pm on Sundays
Speaker for May
Steve Wilson
Columinist for the AZ Republic and former Editor of the Lexington Dispatch
and the Scottsdale Tribune
Alumni Dinner at ASU Chapter House:
The dinner was successful and the Chapter will holding Alumni Dinners once
every semester

April 1999 Alumni Event Notice

Contact and location:
Matt Barrie (Annotator & Alumni Relations)884-0539 /
or Mark McCarty (Consul) 884-0544
Epsilon Upsilon Chapter
606 Alpha Dr
Arizona State University

Scheduled Event:
The Active Members of the Epsilon Upsilon chapter would like to
cordially invite you to an Alumni Dinner being held at 7:00 pm on the
Seventh of April 1999. For more information and to RSVP please contact the above