Serving Phoenix and Arizona since 1906

December 2000 Meeting Notice


Date: Wednesday, December 13th
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Michael Monti’s Mesa Grill
1233 S. Alma School Rd., Mesa
(Southside of the BofA Building – the one wrapped in blue neon lights!)

The Phoenix Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity will hold its
monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13 at Michael Monti’s Mesa
Grill, 1233 S. Alma School Road, Mesa.
The new, one-time-only location for the meeting is because it
provides us the privacy needed for our annual ritual ceremony, which
will remind us of why we joined Sigma Chi and what it means to be a Sig.
Please invite a brother to join you for what will be an
inspirational gathering.
* Please note this meeting will follow the ritual format of a regular
Active Chapter meeting – not an initiation.

6 p.m. – Cocktails
6:30 p.m. – Dinner
7:00 p.m. — Ritual

Coming up:

January 10 – Speaker will be Barry Kluger, former head of marketing
and public relations for MTV and USA Networks, who consults internet
companies, including Meeting will be held at Phoenix City
Grill, Bethany Home and 16th Street, Phoenix.


The Spirit of Sigma Chi

The Spirit of Sigma Chi, as conceived by the Founders more than 140
years ago yet visible and alive today, is based on the theory that…

….Friendship among members, sharing a common belief in an ideal,…
….and possessing different temperaments, talents, and convictions,…
….is superior to friendship among members having the same
temperaments, talents, and convictions, and that…
….Genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the
principle of individuality or sacrificing one’s personal judgement.

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