November 2001 Meeting Notice
Date: 11/14/2001
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Eddie Matney’s “The Club”
November will see the Phoenix Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter again holding
it’s Fall Ritual Meeting. For those that have not attended a Ritual
Meeting in some time we have found that it is a very enjoyable
experience and now hold them twice instead of just once as we used to
do in years past.
If you need assistance don’t be shy come on down and enjoy the evening with us.
Due to the nature of the meeting we will be gathering at “The Club”
above Eddie Matney’s (24th and Camelback). Park in the lot, enter
the Restaurant and they will put you on the elevator to The Club.
Additionally due to the venue change for the month the cost of dinner
will be $40.00 (the meal actually cost more, the Chapter subsidizes
the balance).
ASU News:
If you are going to be around ASU this weekend for the game or
otherwise be sure to stop be the House as they Brothers will be
hosting an event for Alumni. Grads from schools other than ASU are
also invited to visit.
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