Possible New Chapter in AZ
We just got word from Evanston that we now have an officially
recognized an “Interest Group” at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University in Prescott! Bill Scott has been working on this for a
while now and this is good news. There is a Sigma Chi Chapter at the
Embry-Riddle campus in Florida and their campus in Prescott has about
1600 students with 80% of them being male. I believe that there are
already two other Fraternities up there as well as a colony for a Sorority.
Most of the guys in the Interest group (I think it is about 20) are
in Air Force ROTC and are studying some type of Engineering or Global Security.
The process the group of guys at Embry-Riddle Prescott will now go
through is to assemble an Advisory team and to prepare a formal
application to become a Colony. Once that process is concluded
(around 18 months minimum) they will be voted on by the other Houses
in the Province and that recommendation forwarded to Headquarters.
So far we have a small group of Alum’s willing to help in the
Advisory role (mostly the “usual suspects”) and we are asking for any
others Alums, especially those in the Prescott area – either living
or with second homes – to lend a hand to ease the burden for
everyone. Plus it is not often that one gets to help with the
Founding of a new Chapter!
Additionally the Greek Advisor at Embry-Riddle is an Alpha Phi and
she would really like to see an Alpha Phi Chapter be started up
there. She has been a tremendous help in getting the University to go
along with our starting a Chapter up there so we would like to assist
her too. If anyone is married to an Alpha Phi or has a friend that
is an Alpha Phi that would be willing to help the Greek Advisor at
Embry-Riddle look into starting a Chapter please let us know.
Oh, and by the way the answer is yes the Riddle in Embry-Riddle is a
distant relation from the same side of the Family as the Samuel
Riddle that owned Glen Riddle Farms that produced Man-o-War and War
Admiral the horse beaten by Sea Biscuit as shown in the Movie. That
branch of the family is from North Carolina and my branch came out of
Virginia with both branches coming to America from Scotland.
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